Self-Unemployed Notebook

Some thoughts on the working world from someone who has decided enough is enough, quit a large law firm and, for now, is happily self-unemployed. Permission is also reserved to observe (and perhaps rant) on general life.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Procreation for tax purposes

Since my self-unemployment, my naturally late night internal clock has declared victory and has not allowed me to wake up very early without violent protest. However, for reasons I will go into another time, I was listening to early morning radio yesterday morning. It went something like this:

Caller: I pay $1350/mo. for child support for 3 kids. One of them I've never met!
DJ: What do you mean you've never met one?
Caller: One night stand, she got pregnant and I get to pay. I'm not even sure it's mine.
DJ: Why not do a paternity test?
Caller: I did. But the other possible father is my brother. I was told it was 98.5% certain it was mine. If my brother took the test and got the same result, then both of us could be stuck with paying support.
DJ: I guess you have to suck it up then.
Caller: Yeah, although I heard that if you have 10 kids then you don't have to pay taxes.

I can see it now - a rampant string of one night stands this weekend from child support-paying parents who are looking to hit that magic "10 child mark." Nine months later? Surprise, surprise, surprise! First, they find out that there is no such rule. Second, meet your 10 kids!*

* I actually knew of a guy who had so many kids from so many women that a lot of his kids didn't know each other. Well, he got a little nervous that the kids might start dating as they grew up. He probably heard the screaming of inbred babies in the back of his mind because he got EVERY ONE of his kids together for a Christmas gathering. "Look around at your brothers and sisters. Remember them. You can't get together with any one of them." Class dismissed.


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