Self-Unemployed Notebook

Some thoughts on the working world from someone who has decided enough is enough, quit a large law firm and, for now, is happily self-unemployed. Permission is also reserved to observe (and perhaps rant) on general life.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Moving on from the convent

Alright, so it's been a while but I've been doing a lot of work on what to do next. That question seems to have more urgency every day because I thought I would have moved on by now.

In an attempt for some guidance, I underwent "personality testing" at a local center. It's what you would expect - Myers Briggs and the Strong Interest Inventory test. Well, I'm pleased to report that my leading career choice is no longer to be a nun (seriously, this was my #1 career option when I took Myers Briggs in high school). Still, I don't know that I'm ready for another desk job. Meetings, conference calls, voicemail. Nope. Not yet.


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